

Long-Term Effects of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

August 26, 2022 5:47 pm | Sober living

More serious health issues such as cognitive decline, major organ damage, overdose, and death are also risks. Addiction to drugs while pregnant can lead to serious outcomes for both mother and child. While there is a large body of empirical data on the short-term effectiveness (1-2 years) of various treatment modalities, very little is known https://thecoloradodigest.com/top-5-advantages-of-staying-in-a-sober-living-house/ about the processes of recovery over time. This is particularly unfortunate as treatment gains are often short-lived and even multiple treatment episodes do not always succeed in breaking the addiction cycle. Perception of change in general health over the past year improved over time, with the greatest gain from baseline to Month 18.

1. Description of the main POATS trial and outcomes

long term treatment for addiction

While there are many types of drug and alcohol treatment available, research suggests that there are significant benefits to long-term drug rehab. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), reports that treatment that is more than 90 days is linked to more positive outcomes than shorter treatment in many cases. Finally, a brief discussion of the use of formal and informal recovery resources among study participants.

1. Characteristics of follow-up participants vs. non-participants

Sign up to get tips for living a healthy lifestyle, with ways to fight inflammation and improve cognitive health, plus the latest advances in preventative medicine, diet and exercise, pain relief, blood pressure and cholesterol management, and more. “There are a lot of reasons for this,” explains HEAL-funded clinical psychologist Aaron Hogue, Ph.D., of the New York City-based Partnership to End Addiction. 7 in 10 adults who ever had a substance use problem considered themselves to be recovering or in recovery. Your therapist or licensed counselor can help you locate a self-help support group. While we are unable to respond to your feedback directly, we’ll use this information to improve our online help.

  • In the past few decades, science has brought us effective behavioral and medication addiction treatments as well as lifesaving treatments that revive people from overdose and give them a chance to seek lasting recovery.
  • Another factor to consider in choosing between an inpatient and outpatient rehab center is whether you have a healthy and supportive home environment where your recovery will be a priority.
  • Aftercare and ongoing support are crucial for maintaining sobriety after completing a residential program.
  • When it takes over a person’s life, they may find themselves doing things they never expected and feel overwhelmed with various challenges.
  • It’s worth noting that 1-year and 2-year rehab programs refer to residential programs.
  • Statistics show that addiction is like other chronic diseases when it comes to relapse.

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  • Drug addiction is a complex, chronic medical disease that causes someone to compulsively use psychoactive substances despite the negative consequences.
  • However, men are more likely than women to use illicit drugs, die from a drug overdose, and visit an emergency room for addiction-related health reasons.
  • It may include clinical treatment, medications, faith-based approaches, peer support, family support, self-care, and other approaches.
  • Of the 252 participants who completed a Month 18 interview, 236 (94%) completed Month 30; of the 312 participants who completed a Month 30 interview, 291 (93%) completed Month 42.
  • Porn addiction is problematic porn use as defined by a person continuing to watch, read, or listen to pornographic content despite experiencing negative consequences.
  • The Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence measured severity of dependence among smokers (Heatherton et al., 1991).

In some cases, the resident may be granted permission to leave the rehab center to attend 12-step meetings or other activities that support their recovery. Long-term rehab programs can offer many benefits to people who want to achieve sobriety and maintain long-term recovery. While everyone’s treatment plan will look somewhat different, the following are some of the treatments and interventions that many people receive as a part of a long-term residential treatment. Aftercare services or ongoing treatment provides the best chances of avoiding future relapse. Aftercare may include community-based and family-based support systems, mutual-help groups, alumni events, and more. While the terms “drug abuse” and “drug addiction” are often used interchangeably, they’re different.

long term treatment for addiction

Detox is the first step in helping your brain and body heal from substance abuse. Your detox process will begin with evaluations by our medical doctors and nurses to determine which, if any, medical interventions are needed. Recovery support resources can be found within recovery organizations at the local, state, and national levels. Today, there are hundreds of such organizations throughout the United States. The groups vary widely in size, membership, and activities – but all provide various types of support to people living with the disease of addiction, including a human touch that connects people with lived experiences who have walked a familiar path.

long term treatment for addiction

Drug Abuse vs. Drug Addiction

Our inpatient drug rehab programs are also gender-informed, so you will be placed with peers based on how you identify. Recovery stories are important because people need choices that work for them, he urges. A faith-based approach in conjunction with medication may resonate with one person, whereas someone else may prefer behavioral therapy and a different type of medication for opioid use disorder (at least three are available and effective). When people enter treatment, addiction has often caused serious consequences in their lives, possibly disrupting their health and how they function in their family lives, at work, and in the community. If you or a loved one are ready to get treatment for a substance use disorder, you can start by seeking the support of a trusted friend, loved one, and your doctor.

Sometimes, drug misuse can increase a user’s risk of developing a mental disorder. For example, there is evidence that smoking marijuana during adolescence can increase a person’s risk of psychosis during adulthood.3 These associations, however, may be most pronounced in those with a genetic predisposition for psychological issues. Find treatment programs in your state that treat addiction and dependence on opioids. The support of peers, Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House family and friends was also cited as an important factor in recovery, replicating findings from a handful of studies of long-term recovery (e.g., Margolis, et al., 2000; Rychtarik et al., 1987). As previously discussed, recovery is a dynamic process that makes changing demands over time in terms of coping strategies and can thus be stressful. Social support has several benefits that may contribute to the recovery process over time.

Providing support is the hallmark of 12-step fellowships, a factor cited by one-third of participants as instrumental in their recovery. In spite of a vast body of literature on 12-step groups (particularly AA), little is known about the prevalence or effectiveness of long-term affiliation with 12-step groups. From a recovery perspective, 12-step groups have the unique advantage of being consistently and widely available in the communities where members live. The chronic, relapse-prone aspect of addictive disorders make it necessary for many substance users to have access to lifelong support that formal treatment cannot provide. Further, 12-step groups often engage members more intensely and for longer periods than do professional treatment programs (Humphreys et al., 1999).

